External Communication for Leaders (ELM4D1) (Virtual)

External Communication for Leaders (ELM4D1) (Virtual)

April 15, 2025

Non-Member Fee: $100

If you would like to register for this training, please log into Neogov to access Learn. Once in Learn, search this course within the Course Catalog, select the class instance and hit “Enroll”.

After enrolling, you will receive an invoice via email, that will need to be paid in order to attend training.

If participating in this program to complete the Emerging Leadership Learning Plan, please complete the Learning Plan enrollment on CVMIC.com under “Training”.

“Representing your municipality”: External Communication (Customer service, the media, and social media)

Your organization does not operate in a vacuum and needs to communicate with many external individuals. This external communication comes in many forms including working with citizens, posting jobs on social media, gauging community support, working with local businesses, etc. External communication is often very complex and when done poorly creates many departmental problems.

After attending this program participants will be able to:

  • Analyze the role of effective customer service
  • Understand the principles of interacting with the media
  • Practice the fundamentals of great social media use

This program will help develop the fundamentals of communicating with citizens and the media. As the media landscape (as well as the technology used) changes it can be difficult to keep up with current best practices and fundamentals.

COURSE:  Eligible

Cities & Villages Mutual Insurance Company (CVMIC) is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDC) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.

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