Certified Flagger (In-Person)
March 26, 2025
Cost: Free to Members – $100 for non-Members
Learn about safe flagging operations and applications for urban and rural situations and for low-speed and high-speed roadways. Group exercises will give you an opportunity to try out what you learn and to discuss the "how to" with other members of the class and the instructors. You will also receive your own copy of the latest editions of the pocket-sized Wisconsin Work Zone Safety Guide and Flagger's Handbook. These courses do provide flagger training in sufficient depth and length to meet WisDOT flagger certification requirements for work on state and connecting highways.
Andrew McFadden
Andrew is a researcher at the UW Madison TOPS Lab and trainer at the Wisconsin LTAP. He has worked as a transportation engineer in public and private organizations, primarily in Wisconsin and Colorado. He received a Master’s degree from the University of California-Davis and Bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
If you would like to register for this training, please log into NeoGov to access Learn. Once in Learn, search this course within the Course Catalog (keyword “Flagger”) select the class instance and select “Enroll”.
CVMIC will provide a continental breakfast and lunch as part of the training day.
If you have food allergies or if you are not interested in the provided food, refrigerator and freezer space are available for any food that you wish to bring.